“Polish Cinema Days” continues organized by AUF and “Visla” Film Festival jointly. It was also crowd in the next screening on September 13.

“Corpus Christi” by Jan Komasa filmed in 2019 is based on real events and tells the life of 20-years-old Daniel.

The protagonist of the film undergoes a spiritual transformation while in a correctional labour camp and as a result of it, he strictly hides his desire to become a priest. He begins to work in a remote province of Poland, posing as a priest, and the events of the film begin to unfold in this direction.

The moderator of the event, film critic Sevda Sultanova, noted in her introduction speech that one of the main themes of modern Polish cinema is based on the influence of religion and the church: “One of the main reasons why directors pay attention to this topic is the influence of religion on society and interference in politics in Poland.The facts of abortion crackdown the pressure of the church and sexual violence committed by religious figures caused the discredit of religion among young people. Therefore, new generation of directors approach religious theme from a more critical perspective in their films”

And Daniel brings vitality to religion in his activity.Bartosz Belenia, the lead actor, showed both suffering torment Jesus, ordinary human passions, and the devil.”

Later, S.Sultanova informed about director Jan Komasa. She noted that Komasa, whose films were screened at various festivals, was especially recognized for his work “Suicide”, which talks about the influence of the virtual world on the lives of teenagers: “In this work, he erases the boundaries between the real world and virtual space through an interesting editing style. In respect of “Corpus Christi”, the director emphasizes that religion is formal and has no connection with life.

It should be noted that “Corpus Christi” supported by Polish Film School was nominated to Oscar and European film awards.