The Azerbaijan Union of Film-makers (AUF) is a creative public organization uniting which brings together, on a voluntary basis, cinema workers – Azerbaijan’s professional cinema workers.
MOREThe main objective of the Union is to develop national cinema as an integral part of national culture and world cinema.

The Azerbaijan Union of Film-makers is a member of the Confederation of Unions of Cinematographers of the CIS and Baltic States.
The International Union of Public Associations called the Confederation of Unions of Cinematographers (CUC) was established in 1991 and is the legal successor of the Union of Cinematographers of the USSR. The main goals behind creating the CUC were to maintain cooperation and provide mutual assistance to the unions of cinematographers of the independent countries of the CIS, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia and to preserve a common cultural background in post-Soviet republics.
The CUC is the organizer of the International Film Awards “East-West. Golden Arch”, the National Film Forum and the International Film School