The first stage of “Colorful dreams of black and white letters” project announced by Azerbaijan Union of Filmmakers has ended. From August 21 to September 4, 50 young people aged 20-30 applied to participate in the project. More than 45 percent of the applicants are young individuals who are ambitious to become directors.

Rovshan Isakh, the mentor of the project and a member of the selection committee shared his opinion on the initial processes: “The most interesting thing that caught my attention was that the applicants were not only students or graduates of the Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Arts, but young people from various majors of different universities. In particular, the interest of young people from different educational spheres in the field of cinema and the project was obvious. If we take into account that people who have already completed a certain qualification or mastered a certain profession and are working seriously in a certain field also applied, then the most pleasant conclusion I came after the answers to the questions and the information was that, thankfully, enthusiasm in art, especially cinema is still alive among young ones. I am so glad that any experience, knowledge and information on general process that we will be able to provide to participants who are interested in this work. Because the young people’s love and interest in this work is much more than I thought. I am surprised by this in a good way.”

The selection committee has already sent an e-mail to the participants invited to the interview stage, and selected participants` will be announced as soon as possible. The committee feedback will be sent to the participants who are not selected for the project via the e-mail.

It should be noted that this project is the fourth one of AUF, geographically taking place not only in Baku, but also in the district. After the intensive Baku stage is over, the selected participants will shoot a film in Gabala city during November 2023.